1064035 CONCEPT_HDL COMP_BROWSER Component Browser crashes on part number search using a library containing >23K parts 1067339 CONSTRAINT_MGR ANALYSIS Relative Propagation Delay analysis in the Partition file seems very inconsitent. 1061529 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Space can be included in LOCATION value and cannot be checked by checkplus 1063924 CONCEPT_HDL CONSTRAINT_MGR Highlight the net between DE-HDL 16.5 and Constraint Manager.

HOTFIX VERSION: 16.50.035 DATE: 12-7-2012 HOTFIX VERSION: 16.50.035 = CCRID PRODUCT PRODUCTLEVEL2 TITLE = 825813 CONCEPT_HDL CORE HDL crashes when copying a property from one H block to other 871899 CONCEPT_HDL CORE 'Multiple:' column of Grid window in DE-HDL option is too wide 873917 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Markers dialog is not refreshed 887887 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Option to find unconnected Pins/Nets with DEHDL L License 892857 CONCEPT_HDL CORE packager treats R? as a unique reference designator 995011 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Why Snap to option for Arc / Circle Centre is not working in this symbol file 1045863 CONCEPT_HDL INFRA Customer had the crash several times when they run script with SPB16.51. New technologies in Allegro and OrCAD 16.5 include advanced miniaturization capabilities, integrated power delivery network analysis, DDR3 design-in kit, bolstered co-design featured and flexible team-design enablement to address global designer productivity. Cadence SPB OrCAD 16.50(60).035(001) Hotfix | 1.0 Gb This material includes last updates and bug fixes to of the Cadence SPB OrCAD platform.